aadilnoufal Don't believe everything you read on a discussion thread. Always refer to the documentation. Any prayer time calculation is largely a result of a handful of parameters, and the method and co-ordinates are probably the most important parts. Most lazy engineers just want to pass a location string, which is geocoded in real time to get co-ordinates. The AlAdhan API provides endpoints to use location strings or co-ordinates. It does nothing special with the methods, and all the calculation parameters are available via the /v1/methods endpoint - these parameters are mostly provided by the authorities in question, except the experimental ones.
But this does not mean local mosques respect authority times, because mosques are built around communities. Calculations tell you when you can start a prayer - that's pretty much all they do.
So it's important to understand there is no right and wrong timing. If you pass the wrong co-ordinates or the wrong method or wrong parameters, you'll get the wrong timings. If you pass the right ones, you'll get the right timings. It's an API, so passing the correct parameters is an onus on the developer using the API.
We're to help with any questions in this regard, but it's everyone's responsibility to read the documentation before asking questions or leveling accusations of incorrect timings (as you see in some of the other posts) without reading or understanding the documentation, but such is the nature of mankind, and no one can cure the human need to rush through things in this age and just wanting things to work without putting in the effort.
I hope, inshaAllah, this helps you make the decision you need to make for your app.